Student Life

Our Vision

We desire to amplify the student’s academic experience through real leadership opportunities, authentic spiritual growth and significant, life-long relationships.

Our Mission

Student Life strives to provide life-changing opportunities through missions, leadership, service, and relational avenues in a noticeably authentic Christian context, preparing our students to lead effectively for the cause of Christ.

Our Objectives

• Create an environment where meaningful relationships can be formed
• Enhance the learning process through leadership development and student activities
• Provide opportunities to serve Christ and expand His kingdom through ministry on and off campus
• Develop team-building and leadership skills through competition and physical activity
• Offer stress relief and encouragement through on campus and off campus events.
• Offer focused discipleship opportunities in order to grow students in their walk with Christ
• Identify and develop effective leaders with a strong biblical worldview.
• Increase students’ awareness of their value through restorative policies and processes


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