Meet Dr. Robert Matz
Dr. Robert J. Matz is the 18th President of Hannibal-LaGrange University. Dr. Matz was appointed by the full Board of Trustees at the fall meeting on October 14, 2022.
“Over the last 164 years God has shown Himself to be incredibly faithful to Hannibal-LaGrange University. Jessica & I are humbled to be entrusted with the opportunity to steward this great University. We are fully committed to seeing God transform lives and communities in the days ahead.”
From July 2021 to October 2022, Dr. Matz has served HLGU as Vice President of Academic Administration, Dean of the Faculty, and Professor of Theology and Preaching. In March 2022 Matz was named the Acting Executive Vice President as Dr. Rodney Harrison was named Transitional President.
Dr. Matz is a graduate of Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Engineering (2005). He earned a Master’s of Divinity with a concentration in systematic theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2009) and a Ph.D. in theology and apologetics from Liberty University (2015). His publications include Better Together: You, Your Church, and the Cooperative Program, Divine Impassability: Four Views of God’s Emotions and Suffering, as well as chapter contributions and articles for academic journals. Forthcoming books include Kerux Commentaries: Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk; and Deep and Wide: The Role of Baptism in Child Discipleship. Dr. Matz is a member of and regular presenter at the Evangelical Theological Society. He was appointed to and served on the Southern Baptist Convention’s special task force on evangelism in 2017-2018.
Alongside his academic efforts, Dr. Matz is a committed Southern Baptist churchman. He has pastored churches in Texas, Virginia, and Missouri and led in the revitalization of Blue Hills Baptist Church in Independence, MO, the oldest Baptist church in the Kansas City metro area. Prior to coming to HLGU, Dr. Matz served at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for 10 years both in administration and as a faculty member.
Dr. Matz is married to Jessica and they have three children, Andrew, Katie, and Jonathan. They are active members of Immanuel Baptist Church in Hannibal. Dr. Matz regularly travels to speak and preach in churches throughout the region and is available by contacting his office at 573-629-3252.